
Manuscripts on this dataset

  1. Seyed Yahya Shirazi

    The manuscript related to this dataset has been published in Neuroimage:

    Peñalver, José M. G., David López-García, Carlos González-García, Blanca Aguado-López, Juan M. Górriz, and María Ruz. 2023. “Top-down Specific Preparatory Activations for Selective Attention and Perceptual Expectations.” NeuroImage 271 (May): 119960.

  2. CMS Manager

    1. JMG Peñalver, D López-García, C González-García, Preparatory neural activity differs between selective attention and perceptual expectations, bioRxiv, 2022, Cited by 3,
    2. Y Sawa, T Sato, T Ikeuchi, Banding survey at colonies of Brent Goose, Branta bernicla in the Lena Delta, Russia, and a recovery record, Bull Jpn Bird Banding Assoc, 2019, Cited by 2,
    3. 澤祐介, 佐藤達夫, 池内俊雄, ロシア・レナデルタのコロニーにおけるコクガンの標識調査および回収記録, 日本鳥類標識協会誌, 2019, Cited by 0,

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