
Manuscripts on this dataset

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    Manuscripts on this dataset, "ds003517"
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    1. D Sihn, SP Kim, Differential modulation of behavior by infraslow activities of different brain regions, PeerJ, 2022, Cited by 4,
    2. M Klug, T Berg, K Gramann, No need for extensive artifact rejection for ICA-A multi-study evaluation on stationary and mobile EEG datasets, bioRxiv, 2022, Cited by 2,
    3. JMO Silva, Identificação de atividades cognitivas a partir de modelos de aprendizado de máquina aplicados ao processamento de sinais de Eletroencefalograma (EEG), 2022, Cited by 0,
    4. JM Silva, C Gean, JA Queiroz, Modelo baseado em aprendizado de m{\'a}quinas para classificar atividades encef{\'a}licas cognitivas , Computational Neuroscience (LAWCN 2021), 2021, Cited by 0,
    5. JF Cavanagh, J Castellanos, EEG: Continuous gameplay of an 8-bit style video game. OpenNeuro, Cited by 2

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