
Manuscripts on this dataset

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    Manuscripts on this dataset, "ds003490"
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    1. H Ding, X Weng, M Xu, J Shen, Z Wu, Dynamic channelwise functional-connectivity states extracted from resting-state EEG signals of patients with Parkinson’s disease, The Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery, 2024, Cited by 0,
    2. CP Da Silva, S Tedesco, B O'Flynn, EEG datasets for healthcare: a scoping review, IEEE Access, 2024, Cited by 0,
    3. EE Tülay, Ensemble classifiers fed by functional connectivity during cognitive processing differentiate Parkinson's disease even being under medication, Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2024, Cited by 0,
    4. C Peres da Silva, S Tedesco, B O'Flynn, EEG datasets for healthcare: A scoping review, 2024, Cited by 0,
    5. RA Abumalloh, M Nilashi, S Samad, H Ahmadi, Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis Using Deep Learning: A Bibliometric Analysis and Literature Review, Ageing Research Reviews, 2024, Cited by 0,
    6. EE TÜLAY, Detection of orienting response to novel sounds in healthy elderly subjects: A machine learning approach using EEG features, Acta Infologica, 2023, Cited by 1,
    7. T Emine, Sağlıklı Yaşlı Bireylerde Yeni Seslere Yönlendirme Yanıtının Tespiti: EEG Özelliklerini Kullanan Bir Makine Öğrenimi Yaklaşımı, Acta Infologica, 2023, Cited by 0,
    8. E Vallarino, S Sommariva, F Famà, M Piana, F Nobili, Transfreq: A Python package for computing the theta‐to‐alpha transition frequency from resting state electroencephalographic data, 2022, Cited by 2,
    9. M Shabanpour, N Kaboodvand, B Iravani, Parkinson's disease is characterized by sub-second resting-state spatio-oscillatory patterns: A contribution from deep convolutional neural network, NeuroImage: Clinical, 2022, Cited by 6,
    10. E Vallarino, S Sommariva, D Arnaldi, F Famà, M Piana, Transfreq: A Python package for computing the theta-to-alpha transition frequency from resting state EEG data, bioRxiv, 2021, Cited by 3,
    11. D Borra, E Magosso, Deep learning-based EEG analysis: investigating P3 ERP components, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2021, Cited by 18,
    12. J Wilson, Quantify consciousness, Cited by 0

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