
Manuscripts on this dataset

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    Manuscripts on this dataset, "ds003004"
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    1. SR Surendrakumar, APG Xuan, P Brian, Determination of Emotional States from Electroencephalogram (EEG) Data Using Machine Learning, IRC Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, 2023, Cited by 0,
    2. CH Mendoza-Cardenas, A Meek, Labeling EEG Components with a Bag of Waveforms from Learned Dictionaries, ICLR 2023 Workshop on Time Series Representation Learning for Health, 2023, Cited by 1,
    3. K Nazare, MI Tomescu, Valence-specific EEG microstate modulations during self-generated affective states, bioRxiv, 2023, Cited by 0,
    4. Y Ji, SY Dong, Deep learning-based self-induced emotion recognition using EEG, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022, Cited by 5,
    5. A Delorme, D Truong, Tools for importing and evaluating BIDS-EEG formatted data, 2021 10th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2021, Cited by 9,
    6. HA Gonzalez, R George, S Muzaffar, Hardware acceleration of EEG-based emotion classification systems: A comprehensive survey, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2021, Cited by 14,
    7. АВ Отинов, НН Дацун, АВТОМАТИЗАЦИЯ ПРОВЕРКИ UCD СТУДЕНТОВ20, ББК 22+ 32.81 А437, 2021, Cited by 2,

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