Social Memory cuing

OpenNeuro/NEMAR Dataset: ds003702 Files: 240 Dataset size: 60.9 GB
Channels: 61 EEG
Participants: 47
Event files: 0
HED annotation: No

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EEG Raw and processed data for a memory task presented in virtual reality, The full task is on OSF:

Derviatives: Behavioral data from the task in derivatives Processed data is in the derivatives

Code Event codes are listed in the code file Trial function, preprocessing, data cleaning and analysis are also in the code file.

Task: Wearing a head mounted display to display the task in virtual reality participants completed a visual working memory task In the task they had to remember the status of and details about presented objects. A person or a stick cued the items such that it could look left or right and items could appear on the left or right. Sometimes the cue was valid (i.e. pointed where objects appeared) and sometimes it was invalid (pointed away from where objects appeared) The objects were always a bowl, a cup, a plate and a teapot. Each could have a different status that needed to be remembered praticipants were probed on memory for item location and then item status

Preprint to be added

Event codes within the data set are as follows. Trial function is included in code folder. For the avatar cue s3021 Character shown - i.e. moment the avatar appears s3022 Objects shown - i.e. moment that the memory targets appear s3023 Maintenance interal - i.e. moment the memory objects leave the screen and the blank maintenance interval occurs s3024 Probe object shown - i.e. moment that participantis presented with location probe s3025 Resp 1 made - i.e. moment that the participants have responded to the location probe s3026 Q2 shown - i.e. moment that participants are asked a question about the status of the objects s3027 Resp 2 made - i.e. moment that the participants have responded to the status probe

For the stick cue s3041 Stick shown - i.e. moment the stick appears s3042 Objects shown - i.e. moment that the memory targets appear s3043 Maintenance interal - i.e. moment the memory objects leave the screen and the blank maintenance interval occurs s3044 Probe object shown - i.e. moment that participantis presented with location probe s3045 Resp 1 made - i.e. moment that the participants have responded to the location probe s3046 Q2 shown - i.e. moment that participants are asked a question about the status of the objects s3047 Resp 2 made - i.e. moment that the participants have responded to the status probe

Trial info EEG processed data

1: Main condition (MainCon) 1 = Stick Congruent 2 = Stick Incongruenct 3 = Avatar Congruent 4 = Avatar Incongruent 2: Cue condition left or right (MConCueLR) 1 = Stick Congruent Cue shifts left 2 = Stick Congruent Cue shifts right 3 = Stick Incongruent Cue shifts left 4 = Stick Incongruent Cue shifts right 5 = Avatar Congruent Cue shifts left 6 = Avatar Congruent Cue shifts right 7 = Avatar Incongruent Cue shifts left 8 = Avatar Incongruent Cue shifts right 3: Condition from experiment build (con) 1 = Congruent, cueshift L, items Left, same location 2 = Congruent, cueshift L, items Left, dif location 3 = Congruent, cueshift R, items Right, same location 4 = Congruent, cueshift R, items Right, dif location 5 = Incongruent, cueshift L, items Right, same location 6 = Incongruent, cueshift L, items Right, dif location 7 = Incongruent, cueshift R, items Left, same location 8 = Incongruent, cueshift R, items Left, dif location 4: Validity 1 = valid (congruent) 2= invalid (incongruent)

5: Location 1 = Same (i.e. probe at same location as when initially presented) 2 = Different (i.e. probe at different location as when initially presented) 6 Cue 1 = Stick cue 2 = Avatar cue 7 Left or Right cue (LorR) specific to the cue shift 1 = Left Stick 2 = Right Stick 3 = Left Avatar 4 = Right Avatar 8 Start: Sample time for start of the trial 9 Cue: Sample time for cue onset 10 Targets: Sample time for target onset 11 Maintenance: Sample time for start of mainanance interval 12 Location probe: Sample time for location probe being shown 13 Location response time: Sample time for response to location probe being made 14 Status question: Sample time for status question being asked 15 Status response time: Sample time for response to status question being made 16 Accuracy for the location question 17 Accuracy for the status question

BIDS Version: 1.6.0 HED Version: Version: 1.0.1

On True Published date: 2021-06-15 17:10:15

Tasks: Social Memory cuing

Available modalities: EEG

Format(s): .eeg, .vhdr, .vmrk

Sessions: 1 Scans/session: 0 Ages (yrs): N/A License: CC0

Dataset DOI: 10.18112/openneuro.ds003702.v1.0.1

Uploaded by Samantha Gregory on 2021-06-15 15:03:49

Last Updated 2021-06-18 08:50:53

Samantha Gregory, Hongfang Wang, Klaus Kessler


How to Acknowledge

  • This work was supported by a Leverhulme Trust early career fellowship [ECF-2018-130] awarded to S.E.A. Gregory.).
  • References and Links
  • Gregory, S., Wang, H., & Kessler, K. (2021, June 17). EEG alpha and theta signatures of socially and non-socially cued working memory in virtual reality.
  • Ethics Approvals