
OpenNeuro/NEMAR Dataset: ds003655 Files: 1253 Dataset size: 20.2 GB
Channels: 19 EEG,2 EOG
Participants: 156
Listed here 100 participants per page:
Event files: 156 View events summary
HED annotation: No

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raw EEG in a modified Sternberg working memory paradigm with two types of task: with mental manipulations (alphabetization) and simple retention (TASK) and 3 levels of load: 5, 6, or 7 letter to memorize (LOAD).

Events.tsv files in eeg folders contain event descriptions (see column trial_type).

trial_type = {
'500' 'start of the trial'; '150' 'start of the baseline period: Retention of 5 letters (5R)'; '151' 'start of the baseline period: Manipulation with 5 letters (5M)'; '160' 'start of the baseline period: Retention of 6 letters (6R)'; '161' 'start of the baseline period: Manipulation with 6 letters (6M)'; '170' 'start of the baseline period: Retention of 7 letters (7R)'; '171' 'start of the baseline period: Manipulation with 7 letters (7M)'; '4' 'presentation of the task instruction'; '250' 'encoding: 5R'; '251' 'encoding: 5M'; '260' 'encoding: 6R'; '261' 'encoding: 6M'; '270' 'encoding: 7R'; '271' 'encoding: 7M'; '350' 'delay period: 5R'; '351' 'delay period: 5M'; '360' 'delay period: 6R'; '361' 'delay period: 6M'; '370' 'delay period: 7R'; '371' 'delay period: 7M'; '50' 'probe: 5R'; '51' 'probe: 5M'; '60' 'probe: 6R'; '61' 'probe: 6M'; '70' 'probe: 7R'; '71' 'probe: 7M'; '4500' 'Response: 5R: error'; '4501' 'Response: 5R: correct'; '4510' 'Response: 5M: error'; '4511' 'Response: 5M: correct'; '4600' 'Response: 6R: error'; '4601' 'Response: 6R: correct'; '4610' 'Response: 6M: error'; '4611' 'Response: 6M: correct'; '4700' 'Response: 7R: error'; '4701' 'Response: 7R: correct'; '4710' 'Response: 7M: error'; '4711' 'Response: 7M: correct' };

BIDS Version: 1.1.1 HED Version: Version: 1.0.2

On Brain life: True Published date: 2021-05-20 16:20:52

Tasks: VerbalWorkingMemory

Available modalities: EEG

Format(s): .fdt, .set

Sessions: 1 Scans/session: 0 Ages (yrs): N/A License: CC0

Dataset DOI: doi:10.18112/openneuro.ds003655.v1.0.2

Uploaded by Yuri Pavlov on 2021-05-17 18:09:21

Last Updated 2023-05-31 08:24:01

Yuri G. Pavlov


How to Acknowledge
Please cite these papers for the acknowledgement: Pavlov, Y. G., & Kotchoubey, B. (2021). Temporally distinct oscillatory codes of retention and manipulation of verbal working memory. European Journal Of Neuroscience. Pavlov, Y. G., & Kotchoubey, B. (2020). The electrophysiological underpinnings of variation in verbal working memory capacity. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 16090.


References and Links
  • Ethics Approvals