MNE-somato-data-bids (anonymized)

OpenNeuro/NEMAR Dataset: ds003104 Files: 12 Dataset size: 0.71 GB
Channels: 306 MEG,1 EOG,9 Trigger
Participants: 1
Event files: 1 View events summary
HED annotation: No

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This dataset contains the MNE-somato-data in BIDS format.

The conversion can be reproduced through the Python script stored in the /code directory of this dataset. See the README in that directory.

The /derivatives directory contains the outputs of running the FreeSurfer pipeline recon-all on the MRI data with no additional commandline options (only defaults were used):

$ recon-all -i sub-01_T1w.nii.gz -s 01 -all

After the recon-all call, there were further FreeSurfer calls from the MNE API:

$ mne make_scalp_surfaces -s 01 --force $ mne watershed_bem -s 01

The derivatives also contain the forward model *-fwd.fif, which was produced using the source space definition, a *-trans.fif file, and the boundary element model (=conductor model) that lives in freesurfer/subjects/01/bem/*-bem-sol.fif.

The *-trans.fif file is not saved, but can be recovered from the anatomical landmarks in the sub-01/anat/T1w.json file and MNE-BIDS' function get_head_mri_transform.

See: for more information.

Notes on FreeSurfer

the FreeSurfer pipeline recon-all was run new for the sake of converting the somato data to BIDS format. This needed to be done to change the "somato" subject name to the BIDS subject label "01". Note, that this is NOT "sub-01", because in BIDS, the "sub-" is just a prefix, whereas the "01" is the subject label.

BIDS Version: 1.4.0 HED Version: Version: 1.0.0

On Brain life: True Published date: 2020-08-31 07:30:43

Tasks: somato

Available modalities: MEG, MRI

Format(s): .fif

Sessions: 1 Scans/session: 0 Ages (yrs): N/A License: CC0

Dataset DOI: 10.18112/openneuro.ds003104.v1.0.0

Uploaded by Richard Höchenberger on 2020-08-31 07:20:15

Last Updated 2020-08-31 07:25:40

Lauri Parkkonen, Stefan Appelhoff, Alexandre Gramfort, Mainak Jas, Richard Höchenberger


How to Acknowledge


References and Links
  • Ethics Approvals