Numbers and Letters

Error: likely non-BIDS compliant. The participants.tsv file does not contain the same subject ID as the folder name. One may reasonably assume that the subjects are in the same order as the folder in the participants.tsv file. However, since this cannot be confirmed, this file should be processed with caution. It is not processed in NEMAR for that reason. See also this bug report
OpenNeuro/NEMAR Dataset: ds002712 Files: 482 Dataset size: 309.9 GB
Channels: 52 EEG,306 MEG
Participants: 25
Event files: 82 View events summary
HED annotation: No

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OpenNeuro curator note: This dataset was previously accessible at ds001985. The dataset was reuploaded due to privacy considerations.

The experiment is composed by two runs We here report the code triggers for each run:

Run 1: single item 10 = single numbers 15 = single letters 20 & 25 = single false fonts

Run 2: strings 35 = strings numbers 40 = strings letters 45 & 50 = strings false fonts

raw files could be split into two files (e.g., run-1 + run-11)

BIDS Version: 1.1.1 HED Version: Version: 1.0.1

On True Published date: 2020-04-17 17:27:31

Tasks: NumbersLetters

Available modalities: T1w, channels, events, meg

Format(s): .fif, .mat

Sessions: 1 Scans/session: 4 Ages (yrs): N/A License: CC0

Dataset DOI: 10.18112/openneuro.ds002712.v1.0.1

Uploaded by Nicola Molinaro on 2020-04-16 07:54:58

Last Updated 2020-05-11 17:41:07

Sara Aurtenetxe, Nicola Molinaro, Doug Davidson, Manuel Carreiras


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  • Ethics Approvals