Internal attention study

OpenNeuro/NEMAR Dataset: ds002691 Files: 146 Dataset size: 0.761 GB
Channels: 32 EEG
Participants: 20
Event files: 20 View events summary
HED annotation: Yes View HED tags summary

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This experiment has 20 subjects. Subjects asked to mentally concentrate on a target (see published article for more information) for periods of about 15 seconds.

There are 4 verbal instructions given to subject by an automated computer program connected to a speakerphone:

  • The instruction is to wait until the experiment starts
  • The instruction is to relax
  • The instruction is to get ready as the trial is about to start
  • The instruction is to mentally concentrate on the target

All the experiment is performed eye's closed. Relax periods last for about 9 seconds, are then followed by a period of 6 seconds where the participants is asked to "get ready" for the trial, followed by a period of 15 seconds of concentration. This sequence is repeated 20 times for each participant.

BIDS Version: v1.2.1 HED Version: 8.0.0 Version: 1.1.0

On Brain life: True Published date: 2020-04-09 00:50:39

Tasks: internalattention

Available modalities: EEG

Format(s): .set

Sessions: 1 Scans/session: 0 Ages (yrs): 23 - 66 License: CC0

Dataset DOI: 10.18112/openneuro.ds002691.v1.1.0

Uploaded by Arnaud Delorme on 2020-04-08 23:44:40

Last Updated 2021-10-19 16:25:42

Arnaud Delorme, Dean Radin


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References and Links
  • Radin, D., Michel, L., Pierce, A., Delorme, A. (2015) Psychophysical interactions with a single-photon double-slit optical system. Quantum Biosystems, Vol 6, Issue 1, Page 82-98.
  • Ethics Approvals