
OpenNeuro/NEMAR Dataset: ds003633 Files: 2298 Dataset size: 154.7 GB
Channels: 272 MEG,29 MEG,108 Misc
Participants: 11
Event files: 89 View events summary
HED annotation: No

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ForrestGump-MEG: A audio-visual movie watching MEG dataset

For details please refer to our paper on

This dataset contains MEG data recorded from 11 subjects while watching the 2h long Chinese-dubbed audio-visual movie 'Forrest Gump'. The data were acquired with a 275-channel CTF MEG. Auxiliary data (T1w) as well as derivation data such as preprocessed data and MEG-MRI co-registration are also included.

Please noted that For sub-01, the MEG machine collapsed at the 500th second in run 7 (segment 7), a supplementary run (run 8, segment 7, 200 s) was recorded subsequently after the collapse. So there are 9 runs in total for sub-01 with run 7&8 for segment 7 and run 9 for segment 8.

Pre-process procedure description

The T1w images stored as NIFTI files were minimally-preprocessed using the anatomical preprocessing pipeline from fMRIPrep with default settings.

MEG data were pre-processed using MNE following a three-step procedure: 1. bad channels were detected and removed. 2. a high-pass filter of 1 Hz was applied to remove possible slow drifts from the continuous MEG data. 3. artifacts removal was performed with ICA.

Stimulus material

The audio-visual stimulus materials were from the Chinese-dubbed 'Forrest Gump' DVD released in 2013 (ISBN: 978-7-7991-3934-0), which cannot be publicly released due to copyright restrictions. The stimulus materials are available upon reasonable request and on condition of a research-only data use agreement (correspondence with Xingyu Liu,

Dataset content overview

the data were organized following the MEG-BIDS using MNE-BIDS toolbox.

the pre-processed MEG data

The preprocessed MEG recordings including the preprocessed MEG data, the event files, the ICA decomposition and label files and the MEG-MRI coordinate transformation file are hosted here.


the pre-processed MRI data

The preprocessed MRI volume, reconstructed surface, and other associations including transformation files are hosted here


the FreeSurfer surface data, the high-resolution head surface and the MRI-fiducials are provided here


the raw data

    |   |---sub-xx_ses-movie_coordsystem.json
    |   |---sub-xx_ses-movie_task-movie_run-xx_channels.tsv
    |   |---sub-xx_ses-movie_task-movie_run-xx_events.tsv
    |   |---sub-xx_ses-movie_task-movie_run-xx_meg.ds
    |   |---sub-xx_ses-movie_task-movie_run-xx_meg.json
    |   |---...     

BIDS Version: 1.4.0 HED Version: Version: 1.0.4

On Brain life: True Published date: 2021-05-16 07:35:57

Tasks: movie, noise

Available modalities: MEG, MRI

Format(s): .acq, .bak, .cfg, .cls, .de, .eeg, .hc, .hist, .infods, .meg4, .mrk, .newds, .res4, .segments

Sessions: 1 Scans/session: 9 Ages (yrs): 19 - 25 License: CC0

Dataset DOI: doi:10.18112/openneuro.ds003633.v1.0.4

Uploaded by Xingyu Liu on 2021-04-24 03:09:05

Last Updated 2022-12-29 03:52:29

Xingyu Liu, Yuxuan Dai, Hailun Xie, Zonglei Zhen

We would like to thank the team of the *studyforrest* project for their great contribution in acquiring and sharing the *studyforrest* dataset (

How to Acknowledge

  • National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2019YFA0709503)
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 31771251)
  • References and Links

    Ethics Approvals
  • Institutional Review Board of the Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University