EEG: 3-Stim Auditory Oddball and Rest in Parkinson's

OpenNeuro/NEMAR Dataset: ds003490 Files: 607 Dataset size: 5.9 GB
Channels: 64 EEG,67 Misc
Participants: 50
Event files: 75 View events summary
HED annotation: No

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Rest and 3 stimulus auditory oddball data with 25 Parkinson patients and 25 matched controls. Some more subjects are included in the .xls sheet that don't have EEG data in this task. C'est la vie. PD came in twice separated by a week, either ON or OFF medication. CTL only came in once. Task included in Matlab programming language, with instructions for eyes open & eyes closed Triggers included for instructed one minute spans for open or closed (OC or CO) before the task. Data collected circa 2015 in Cognitive Rhythms and Computation Lab at University of New Mexico. Subjs also had an acceleromter taped to their most tremor affected hand. X, Y, Z dimensions recorded throughout. Check the .xls sheet under code folder for more meta data. Also code to re-create the paper. - James F Cavanagh 01/18/2021

BIDS Version: 1.1.1 HED Version: Version: 1.1.0

On Brain life: True Published date: 2021-01-27 18:22:50

Tasks: Rest

Available modalities: EEG

Format(s): .fdt, .set

Sessions: 2 Scans/session: 1 Ages (yrs): 48 - 84 License: CC0

Dataset DOI: 10.18112/openneuro.ds003490.v1.1.0

Uploaded by James F Cavanagh on 2021-01-27 17:56:02

Last Updated 2021-01-27 18:23:22

James F Cavanagh


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References and Links
  • PMID: 29294412
  • Ethics Approvals