Neuroepo multisession

OpenNeuro/NEMAR Dataset: ds003194 Files: 149 Dataset size: 0.187 GB
Channels: 19 EEG,1 ECG
Participants: 15
Event files: 29 View events summary
HED annotation: No

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The quest for neuroprotection in Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been for new compounds to slow disease progression and stable and non-invasive biomarkers to document their benefits. Neuroepo, a new formulation of EPO with low content of sialic acid reported good results in animal model and tolerance in healthy participants and PD patients. In a double-blind randomized placebo ( number NCT04110678) twenty-five PD patients were assigned randomly to Neuroepo (n=15) or placebo (n=10) groups we reported the tolerance of the drug. We recorded resting-state EEG before and six months after the administration of the drug. The qualitative analysis of the abnormalities of the EEG was evaluated by two experts using a Likert-type scale and a multivariate item response theory (MIRT) approach was employed to establish the differences between groups in the two times. The quantitative EEG (qEEG) analysis was performed at the sources looking for generators of the neural activity using software VARETA and co-registering the results using the Montreal Neurological Institute Atlas. The statistical analysis between the sources was conducted using a permutation test and later a contrast method using the surfstat software between groups and before vs after condition, with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. Here in this repository, we placed the raw EEG in BIDS format (Pernet, C. R. et al. EEG-BIDS, an extension to the brain imaging data structure for electroencephalography. Sci. data 6, 103 (2019). For the use of VARETA the qEEG program you can use (Bosch-Bayard, J. et al. A Quantitative EEG Toolbox for the MNI Neuroinformatics Ecosystem: Normative SPM of EEG Source Spectra. Front. Neuroinform. 14, (2020).) The EEG dataset from the different stages of processing can be requested to the authors.

BIDS Version: 1.2.0 HED Version: Version: 1.0.4

On Brain life: True Published date: 2020-10-13 00:44:11

Tasks: task pre nepo, task 6m nepo

Available modalities: EEG

Format(s): .edf

Sessions: 2 Scans/session: 0 Ages (yrs): N/A License: CC0

Dataset DOI: doi:10.18112/openneuro.ds003194.v1.0.4

Uploaded by Carlos López on 2020-09-28 10:00:15

Last Updated 2022-09-20 05:00:13

Maria Luisa Bringas Vega, Lilia Morales Chacon , Ivonne Pedroso Ibanez

The authors will like to thank Centro Internacional de Restauracion Neurologica for the recruitment and neurophysiological evaluation of the patients and the support of the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba. The authors are in debt with all the PD patients and their caretakers who volunteered to participate in our study.

How to Acknowledge

  • National Nature and Science Foundation of China (NSFC) No. 61871105, 61673090, 81330032
  • CNS Program of UESTC (No. Y0301902610100201)
  • References and Links

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